Downtown Records "Live Looper"
Entrant: BBDO, New York
Agency: BBDO, New York
Network: BBDO Worldwide
Chief Creative Officer(s): David Lubars (BBDO Worldwide), Greg Hahn (BBDO New York)
Executive Creative Director(s): Tom Markham
Creative Director(s): Bart Mol, Pol Hoenderboom
Copywriter(s): Bart Mol
Art Director(s): Pol Hoenderboom
Agency Producer(s): David Rolfe (Director of Integrated Production),
Mo Twine (Senior Producer),
Daniele Lukacs (Associate Producer)
Production Company: BBDO Studios
Director(s): Lawrence Chen
Music Company: The Academic - Bear Claws
Associate Producer: Daniele Lukacs
Comms Planner: Azzahra Lopez
Creative Technologist: Filip Williander
Influencer Manager: Lucy Bennett
Intern: Tatiana Duarte
Line Producer: Jonathan Hsu
Behind the Scenes: Jeff Reagan
Editorial Editor: Alex Lubars
URL: http://livelooperentry.com